Wait the light to fall

Unicode vs. ASCII 符号


可以在 Raku 中使用以下 Unicode 符号,而无需加载任何其他模块。其中一些具有可以使用 ASCII 独有字符键入的等效物。这些变体通常由比 Unicode 版本更多的字符组成,因此它们看起来更大。

下面参考 unicode 码点的各种属性。最终列表可以在这里找到:https://www.unicode.org/Public/UCD/latest/ucd/PropList.txt.


任何具有 Ll(字母,小写),Lu(字母,大写),Lt(字母,标题),Lm(字母,修饰符)或 Lo(字母,其他)属性的代码点都可以像任何其他字母一样使用 ASCII 范围内的字符。


任何具有 Nd(数字,十进制数字)属性的代码点都可以用作任何数字的数字。例如:

my $var = 19; # U+FF11 U+FF19 
say $var + 2;  # OUTPUT: «21␤» 


任何具有 No(Number,other)或 Nl(Number,letter)属性的代码点都可以单独用作数值,例如 ½ 和 ⅓。 (这些不是十进制数字,因此不能组合。)例如:

my $var =+ 2 +; # here ⅒ is No and Rat and Ⅻ is Nl and Int 
say $var;            # OUTPUT: «14.1␤» 


除了空格和制表符,您还可以使用具有 Zs(分隔符,空格),Zl(分隔符,行)或 Zp(分隔符,段落)属性的任何其他 unicode 空白字符。


此列表包含 Raku 中具有特殊含义的单个代码点及其 ASCII 等价物。

Symbol Codepoint ASCII Remarks
« U+00AB « as part of «» or .« or regex left word boundary
¯ U+00AF - (must use explicit number) as part of exponentiation (macron is an alternative way of writing a minus)
² U+00B2 **2 can be combined with ⁰..⁹
³ U+00B3 **3 can be combined with ⁰..⁹
¹ U+00B9 **1 can be combined with ⁰..⁹
» U+00BB » as part of «» or .» or regex right word boundary
× U+00D7 *
÷ U+00F7 /
π U+03C0 pi 3.14159_26535_89793_238e0
τ U+03C4 tau 6.28318_53071_79586_476e0
U+2018 ' as part of ‘’ or ’‘
U+2019 ' as part of ‘’ or ‚’ or ’‘
U+201A ' as part of ‚‘ or ‚’
U+201C " as part of “” or ”“
U+201D " as part of “” or ”“ or ””
U+201E " as part of „“ or „”
U+2070 **0 can be combined with ⁰..⁹
U+2074 **4 can be combined with ⁰..⁹
U+2075 **5 can be combined with ⁰..⁹
U+2076 **6 can be combined with ⁰..⁹
U+2077 **7 can be combined with ⁰..⁹
U+2078 **8 can be combined with ⁰..⁹
U+2079 **9 can be combined with ⁰..⁹
U+207A | (must use explicit number) as part of exponentiation
U+207B - (must use explicit number) as part of exponentiation
U+2205 set() (empty set)
U+2208 (elem)
U+2209 !(elem)
U+220B (cont)
U+220C !(cont)
U+2212 -
U+2216 (-)
U+2218 o
U+221E Inf
U+2229 (&)
U+222A (|)
U+2245 =~=
U+2260 !=
U+2264 <=
U+2265 >=
U+2282 (<)
U+2283 (>)
U+2284 !(<)
U+2285 !(>)
U+2286 (<=)
U+2287 (>=)
U+2288 !(<=)
U+2289 !(>=)
U+228D (.)
U+228E (+)
U+2296 (^)
𝑒 U+1D452 e 2.71828_18284_59045_235e0
U+FF62 Q// as part of 「」 (Note: Q// variant cannot be used bare in regexes)
U+FF63 Q// as part of 「」 (Note: Q// variant cannot be used bare in regexes)

原子运算符 #

原子运算符将 U+269B ⚛ ATOM SYMBOL 合并到其中。它们的 ASCII 等价物是普通的子程序,而不是运算符:

my atomicint $x = 42;
$x++;                # Unicode version 
atomic-fetch-inc($x); # ASCII version 

ASCII 替代方案如下:

Symbol ASCII Remarks
⚛= atomic-assign
atomic-fetch this is the prefix:<⚛> operator
⚛+= atomic-add-fetch
⚛-= atomic-sub-fetch
⚛−= atomic-sub-fetch this operator uses U+2212 minus sign
++⚛ atomic-inc-fetch
⚛++ atomic-fetch-inc
–⚛ atomic-dec-fetch
⚛– atomic-fetch-dec


此列表包含多个代码点运算符,这些运算符需要对其 ASCII 等价物项进行特殊组合。请注意,代码点以空格分隔显示,但在使用时应作为相邻代码点输入。

Symbol Codepoints ASCII Since Remarks
»=» U+00BB = U+00BB »[=]» v6.c uses ASCII ‘=’
«=« U+00AB = U+00AB «[=]« v6.c uses ASCII ‘=’
«=» U+00AB = U+00BB «[=]» v6.c uses ASCII ‘=’
»=« U+00BB = U+00AB »[=]« v6.c uses ASCII ‘=’