Wait the light to fall



数据样例 #

3 + 4 - 5
3 * 4 * 5
4 + 5 * (1 + 3)

Grammar #

grammar MathExpression {
    token TOP    { <sum>              } 
    rule sum     { <product>+ % '+'   } 
    rule product { <term>+    % '*'   } 
    rule term    { <number> | <group> } 
    rule group   { '(' <sum> ')'      } 
    token number { \d+                }

Action #

class MathEvalAction {
    method TOP($/) {
        make $<sum>.made;
    method sum($/) {
        make [+] $<product>».made;
    method product($/) {
        make [*] $<term>».made;
    method term($/) {
        make $/.values[0].made;
    method group($/) {
        make $<sum>.made;
    method number($/) {
        make $/.Int;

解析 #

my $match = MathExpression.parse(
    '4 + 5 * (1 + 3)',
    actions => MathEvalAction.new,

say $match.made; # Output: 24
say $match.raku;